
Garage sale= success!

We had our adoption garage sale this past weekend and it was a wonderful experience. We witnessed total strangers going above and beyond in their giving to our baby fund. People would come up to me and ask a price and I would say " a dollar" ( for just about everything) and they would give me three!! I got to hear personal stories from strangers about their own adoption journeys and better yet, adoptee stories! I did hug a perfect stranger and cried with her as well. She was a sister in Christ though and she made my day.

I was blown away by the love and support our friends gave us. Whether it was shown by coming to the sale, sending a text, donating, calling or sitting in my driveway with me all day, I was overwhelmed with joy and love for my family and friends. This baby Ludlum is LOVED already by so many ;)

We more than doubled our goal by the end of the day, and now more than ever are we ready to get the ball rolling, it's just starting to feel more real everyday. COME ON JANUARY!!!!